
Lyssa Elster 
Willows Activity Farm


Lyssa Elster


Having studied psychology followed by a post grad in marketing, my approach to marketing has always been focused on understanding human behaviour and the emotional response of customers to products and services. Customer satisfaction is a key measure of a customer relationship with a business and their emotional response to the product or service. Early in my career I tested and proved a direct correlation between improving customer satisfaction and the bottom line and I have therefore developed an approach to running a business that focuses on customer behaviour and improving customers satisfaction. Running in parallel to my professional life I worked in various counselling roles and as an adoptive and foster parent, became an advocate of therapeutic parenting where empathy is a core construct in positively changing behaviour. This experience led me to develop an ‘empathy marketing’ approach to my professional life where being able to put yourself into your customers shoes helps to further shape a business for commercial success. Empathy is the key to unlock many doors with customers, staff and suppliers to achieve commercial success and happiness in working life.